Spiritual Treasure
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It is the responsibility of every one who is born as a true Indian to protect the Hindu Religion, since the Hindu Religion is naturally a hereditary treasure through their birth even though they like it or not. It is not a perishable worldly treasure, but is an everlasting spiritual treasure. Only those who understand it properly can alone accomplish their responsibility, hence, let us try to understand the following properly.
1) Who is a Hindu:
Every historian knows that the term ‘Sindhu’ was metamorphosed into ‘Hindu’, and history reveals that the Indus Valley civilization is of the Dravidians. Dravidians form 88% of the Indian population (the so called Sudras and Panchamas), and even though many people come and settle in India for a long time they can not be Indians. Even though the Europeans lived in India for 450 years, that is from 1498 to 1947, history tells that they were foreigners to India and were quitted from India. Hence the term ‘Hindu’ refers to the Dravidians alone are Indians, since they are the original inhabitants of India.
Hindu = Indian = Dravidian.
2) What is Hindu Religion:
The term ‘Hindu Religion’ refers to the religion of the Indians, the Dravidians.
Hindu Religion is the religion of the Tamilians:
Recent researches reveal that the major religions of the world are the offshoot of the spiritual thoughts of the Dravidians. However, the term Hindu religion refers specifically to Saivism and Vaishnavism, which originated because of the bhakthi movement in Tamil Nadu. (This is already explained in the pamphlet S.No.1). The bhakthi Movement that originated in Tamil Nadu is referred to as the religion of the Tamilians or the religion of the Dravidians or Hindu religion.
Taproot of the Hindu religion:
- Doctrine of Avatar - God becoming a man in order to redeem human beings. (Unborn Prime God was born in order to give us eternal pleasure)
- Trinity or Triune doctrine - God in triune stage - Appan, Ammai, Makan (Saivism); Siva, Vishnu, Brahma (Vaishnavism)
- Doctrine of fulfillment of sacrifice - The offering of sacrifice has ceased even though there is sacrificial altar in the temple. People do not offer sacrifice while they worship God.
- Doctrine of forgiveness of sin - There is forgiveness for the sins of human beings by the grace of God and this doctrine is totally controversial tothe saying that ‘the actions of one person would definitely yield its fruits’.
- Doctrine of bhakthi - Appreciating the bhakthi which is in ones heart irrespective of one’s appearance, color, culture etc. (Kannappa Nayanar)
The five doctrines mentioned above are the basic doctrines for the religion of the Tamils or the religion of the Dravidians or for the Hindu religion. These doctrines are the Taproots for Hindu religion (Saivism, Vaishnavism).
Those who are not able to know the difference between life and soul cannot understand the five doctrines mentioned above and Hindu Religion, which consists of these five doctrines.
Thus we have seen that the term ‘Hindu’ refers to ‘Dravidians’, the Indians, and the term Hindu religion refers to Saivism and Vaishnavism, the offshoots of bhakthi movement originated by the Dravidians, the Indians or the Tamilians. The five doctrines mentioned above are the taproot for the Hindu religion and those who cannot differentiate between life and soul cannot understand it.
Let us see what is Hinduism?
3) What is Hinduism:
A question may arise whether the term ‘Hinduism’ refers to a doctrine like Marxism, Leninism, Gandhism etc., or does it refers to a religion like Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism etc.
Amongst the names mentioned above, the names such as Marxism, Leninism, Gandhism refer to the concepts connected with political agitations. Marxism and Leninism are the concepts of extremism whereas Gandhism is the concept of non-violence like the actions of a devotee.
Spiritual? or Political?:
Buddhism, Jainism and Judaism are the doctrines of spiritualism which talk separately about God, spirit and life.
Hence, amongst the political and spiritual concepts, the term ‘Hindu Religion’ refers to the spiritual concept of the Indians and the term ‘Hinduism’ refers to the political concept of the Indians.
So, there is no correlation between Hinduism or Hindutva and the religion. The Supreme Court of India passed a judgement that ‘Hinduism’ is the Indian way of life.
Hence the Indian way of life does not refer to the spiritual way of life of the Indians, or Dravidians, but rather it refers to the political way of life alone.
What is the Indian or Dravidian way of life?
Rule of the Demonic Horde:
Explanation for the term ‘Hinduism’ is given that it is the way of life according to Manudharma Sasthra. In Northern India after the reign of Harsha, that is in the 7th c.A.D., the reign of ‘Huns’ started spreading and they are referred to as demonic hordes by the historians.
Huns were the cruel rulers who tyrannically suppressed and oppressed the Dravidians in northern India from 7th c.A.D. to 12th c.A.D.
Lawbook of the Foreigners without religion:
During this period the 1) Persians 2) Greeks 3) Sakas 4) Romans 5) Kushans and the 6) Huns who came to India in different periods without any religion were united as Aryans (foreigners) and were ruling. During this time, the Aryan laws like Manudharma Sasthra, which elevate the Aryans (foreigners) and degrade the Dravidians (Indian) were devised.
Adi Sankara who was born in 9th c.A.D. in Kaladi, a part of Chera country in Tamil Nadu, enslaved Saivism and Vaishnavism the religions of the bhakthi movement to Varnashrama Dharma , the Aryan political concept.
Interpretations according to the Aryan political concept:
Adi Sankara has written interpretations according to the Aryan political concept to Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharatha, written by Veda Vyasa, a Dravidian, to Brahma Sutra, written by Veda Vyasa and to the Upanishads, compiled by Veda Vyasa, in order to enslave the Dravidians.
A Great Reception:
Those interpretations are known as ‘Advaita Concept’ and Adi Sankara’s advaita concept justifies the Aryan political law. Hence this concept which degrades the Indians or Dravidians had a great reception amongst the Aryan rulers. Hence Adi Sankara established 4 mutts in all the four corners of India viz. in west (Gujarat-Dwaraka), in east (Orissa-Puri), in North (Uttarpradesh-Joshi) and in south (Karnataka-Sringeri), and till date they involve in all kinds of conspiracies in enslaving the Indian Dravidians and Hindu religion to the Aryan political law.
Later on a Sankara Mutt was also established in Kanchi and they are all involved in conspiracies against the Indians or the Dravidians and to the Hindu Religion or Dravidian religion.
Because of the conspiracies of the Sankara Mutts the following stages were developed.
- It was made to believe that the Hindu Religion or Dravidian Religion or the religion of the Tamilians is of the Brahmins, the first caste of the alien Aryans.
- The political power of the Dravidian India is of the Kshatriyas, the second caste of the Aryans.
- The economic power of the Dravidian India is of the Vaishyas, the third caste of the alien Aryans.
- Amongst the Dravidians, those who were not able to oppose the domination of the aliens but accepted the way of life by leading a life of slavery are known as Sudras.
- And the Dravidian political and religious leaders who opposed the alien domination were forced to live as enemies to the aliens and as Panchamas (Untouchables). Thus accepting this way of life is devised as Hinduism.
Hindutva – The enslaved life:
It was made to believe that À Religious Á Political and  Economical wealth of India are of the alien Aryans and the way of life of the Dravidians living as slaves and untouchables is known as Hindutva.
Thinking ability and dignity:
Here a question rises whether any Dravidian who lives in India with thinking ability and dignity would accept this way of life known as Hindutva?
Another question is, how do many people accept Hindutva and live accordingly?
Those who know the difference between Hindu Religion and Hindutva alone have the power of thinking and dignity.
But those who do not know the difference, keep their belief on Indian spirituality and on God, soul and life and they want to be the admirers of Hindu Religion. They become the admirers and followers of Hindutva since they wrongly believe that Hindu Religion is Hindutva.
Once they are clear that Hindu Religion is different from Hindutva they realize the truth and acquire the power of thinking and dignity and would be liberated from the fetters of Hindutva.
How can we make the people aware of the difference between Hindu Religion and Hindutva?
Hindu Religion -Hindutva:
‘Hindu Religion’ - Spiritual treasure of the Dravidians
‘Hindutva’ - Fetter of enslaving the Dravidians
History reveals that ‘Hindutva’ and ‘Advaita’ are the same.
‘Advaita’ - concept which says that ‘I am God’
‘There is God’ - Theistic concept
‘No God’ - Atheistic concept
‘I am God’ - Satanic concept of arrogance against God
Since Advaita and Hindutva are the same, ‘Hindutva’ becomes the concept of satan. But Hindu Religion has the concept of supreme God which says that ‘One community and one God’. Hindu Religion is the treasure of the Tamilians or Dravidians.
Hindutva is the Aryan political concept that enslaves the Dravidians. If it is spiritually explained it can be said that it is the satanic concept that enslaves the Dravidians.
How can the Indians and the Hindu Religion be liberated from this satanic concept? The history of India shows that the Sankara Mutts are the chief head quarters of this satanic concept (This is explained historically in the 108 questions that were sent to the Sankara Mutt). Without making changes in the Sankara Mutts, Indians and Hindu Religion cannot be liberated from this enslaving satanic concept. How can changes be made in Sankara Mutts? If changes are made in the concept of casteism, the taproot of Sankara Mutts which instigates the Indians to enslave one another, would be in danger. Then Indians and Hindu Religion would get liberation.
Liberation Struggle:
Our movement has been striving in various methods to acquire liberation from 14.10.’94
- We passed a resolution and sent to Sankara Mutt on 14.10.‘94.
- Since it was ignored, a one-day hunger strike was conducted near the Mutt on 14.4.’96
- The second phase of agitation was conducted on 14.7.’96 on the topic ‘Tearful Prayer for the repentance of the Brahmins’.
- Third phase of agitation started on 14.10.’96 by sending 108 questions.
- In the 108 questions, the following accusations were pointed out on a historical basis, and on 14.10.’96 they were sent to Sankara Mutt, asking them to give reply giving historical evidences. It was stated that the concept of Advaita is a satanic concept against the concept of God in Hindu Religion, and the Sankara Mutts are the head quarters of plundering predators since they have enslaved the Indians through the ages and plunder them. It is the responsibility of the government to ban the Sankara Mutts and take action on the Sankaracharyas, the leaders of plundering predators, if the Sankara Mutts which are in the guise of religion are not willing to repent. Since these accusations were not mere accusations but were pointed out on the historical basis all the 5 Sankara Mutts had no other option except to be silent.
- Hence letters were sent to the rulers (State government, Central government and U.N.O.) on 20.2.’97 to take necessary action on Sankara Mutts.
On 12.3.’97 letters were also sent along with 108 questions to 230 members of legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu and to 530 members of Parliament of India, so that it would be helpful to the rulers. Also a reminder (letter) was sent to the authorities.
Our Demands:
- In the Kanchi Sankara Mutt, which enslaves the Hindu Religion and claims that it is the head quarters of Hindu Religion, a 5 year old boy, branded as the lowest caste of India should be appointed as Bala Sankaracharya.
- If the Kanchi Sankara Mutt is not willing to accept our demand, it should come forward to answer our 108 questions on the basis of historical evidences since it has a University. In these questions is stated that the Sankara Mutts are the head quarters of plundering predators against the Indians and Hindu Religion.
- Since the Sankara Mutts are not able to give answers, it is proved that they are the head quarters of satanic plundering predators.
- It is the responsibility of the rulers to ban those mutts and to take action on the Sankaracharyas, hence, they have to accomplish their responsibility. It is the responsibility of the common people to instigate the rulers to accomplish their responsibility while they hesitate to do so, since they are the ones who elected them as rulers.
- It is the responsibility of those who found these facts through research and who are striving for the truth to attract the attention of the common people since they are not aware of their responsibilities and hence are not accomplishing it. It is our responsibility to meet loses in the non-violence method.
Finger cutting agitation:
Hence we declare a finger cutting agitation on 14.8.’98, the last day of the golden jubilee year of independent India, in order to proclaim to the world that the Indians and Hindu Religion are not yet liberated.
We declare that on 14.8.’98 at 10.00 a.m., Dr. M. Deivanayagam, founder of this movement and the President of the ‘Forum for the protection of Backward, Scheduled caste and Religions Minorities of Tamil Nadu’ would cut off one of his fingers in order to attract the attention of the world.
We place a question before you, the Indian Dravidians who elect the rulers, how are you going to accomplish your responsibility?
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